Arb Amigo Affiliate Guide 💸

Everything you need to know about earning commi$$ion$ from Arb Amigo and the affiliate dashboard explained. 

Arb Amigo's Affiliate Marketing.

Affiliate marketing is not a “get-rich-quick scheme”. It’s one of the most popular strategies for building a lasting business. Arb Amigo encourages long term win-win relationships with our Affiliate Partners. It is very important to operate within established laws, using best practices and ethical principles.

Here are a few quick tips to stay on the right track:


  • Make sure your profile is up to date, your name, email, and website URL are current and provide full payout details so that we can transfer money
    to you on time.
  • Optimization is the key to a successful Affiliate campaign. Track your referral results regularly and adjust campaigns accordingly. Verify that your traffic is converting and that free trials are upgrading into paid
  • Although we provide plenty of free promo materials, by all means create your own content and reviews. Your content can be based on our
    resources, but don’t just copy and paste, add content to add SEOP value and added value for your readers.
  • Make sure you always include your Affiliate ID in referral links. Add your tracking parameter to every URL you link back to Arb Amigo. Don’t just link to our home page, there are other great converting pages with features and resources . Also, have a link to our pricing page to encourage instant sales when possible. If you are planning to subscribe
    to Arb Amigo for your own needs, please avoid using your tracking link, as self-referrals are excluded from commissions.


  • Avoid PPC violations. Bidding on Arb Amigo branded keywords is directly forbidden. If you use paid search or paid ads on any platform, you cannot use Arb Amigo branded keyworks or link the ads directly to Arb Amigo. Violations like this will get your Affiliate account suspended. Bidding on the Arb Amigo Brand or Direct linking drives costs up for everyone. Use ads with industry keywords like “football stats website” or “inplay alerts” “copy betting” etc. You can bid on those terms but only to direct traffic to your landing page, which can then promote and link to
    Arb Amigo.
  • Avoid SPAM and stay away from purchased lists. Stick to good email marketing and list building practices. Multiple parties sending solicitation to the same people for the same products just annoys potential customers and is never effective.
  • Avoid setting up accounts that impersonate Arb Amigo or closely resemble our branding. This can be misleading for customers, and you can gain more stating clearly who you are and why you recommend Arb Amigo. Violations of this nature will also get your Affiliate account suspended

The best results one can get is by positioning themselves clearly so the audience knows why and how information on a certain channel can be useful for them. Affiliates should add their own voice to the narrative instead of making it look like they are a Arb Amigo official rep or account.

Your affiliate Tracking Link 🔗

Created by football bettors for football bettors. Its time to sky rocket your winning potential.

How do we recognize your prospects? They arrive at our conversion-optimized website from a link that contains your Affiliate ID. Affiliate cookie is saved in visitor browser for the whole domain so if someone clicks your link but then visits other pages within Arb Amigo domain it will also be attributed as your referral and you will get paid.

Your basic affiliate link sends prospects to the Arb Amigo home page but there are more options for you out there. Your Affiliate ID can be added to any URL from the arbamigo.com domain. By forming deep linking you can send users to a specific part of our service that may be more relevant for the prospect, depending on individual situations.

You can create deep linking by adding ?a=youraffiliateID to the end of any URL within the arbamigo.com domain.
Example: https://arbamigo.com/pricing?a=youraffiliateID

You can also use the Deep Link Generator on the main dashboard to create your personalized link to any page on the Arb Amigo domain.

Image Banner Designs.

Banner Ads are a tried and tested tool for referring sales, if used correctly. The effect known as banner blindness may be a result of poor banner strategy, but attractive looking banners implemented on the right page and social media platforms will get the reader’s attention.

We have designed some amazing looking designs you can use on your blog, website and social media platforms. 

At it’s core, banner Ads should highlight your content or provide a unique offer. Make sure you don’t overload your page with banners, use them strategically.

Video Contents

Video plays big role in this day and age, so it’s worth experimenting with this type of content. You can choose from videos available in our affiliate dashboard and upload them to your website or social media platforms. 

The best practices, however, show that unique video content works best, especially on YouTube which detects duplicated content. Uploading our videos to your channel and adding your affiliate link in the description won’t do the trick. A good answer to that would be mixing our videos with your own material.

This way you can make a unique Arb Amigo review using large portion of our content and add your personal opinion as an intro to the video or use your voice over the video. Just be creative and keep in mind the added information value for the user.

Text Content Ads

We have provided some of the best performing headings and texts that you can use to talk about Arb Amigo on your blog, websites, videos and contents to get the best results. These are some of the same texts and content we use to promote Arb Amigo in-house. 

Here are some examples, but explore your affiliate portal for more choices:
  • Uncover Hidden Profits with Arb Amigo! Your Shortcut to Arbitrage Betting Success.”
  • “Win Big with Arb Amigo! Discover Risk-Free Betting Opportunities Today.”
  • “Don’t Miss Out on Easy Money! Join Arb Amigo for Arbitrage Betting Success.”
  • “Arb Amigo: The Secret Weapon for Betting Enthusiasts. Start Earning Now!”
  • “Boost Your Betting Game with Arb Amigo – Where Opportunity Meets Profit.”
  • “Say Goodbye to Guesswork! Let Arb Amigo Find Your Winning Bets for You.”
  • “Invest Smart, Bet Smarter with Arb Amigo. Unlock Your Arbitrage Potential.”
  • “Join the Winning Side! Arb Amigo – Your Guide to Consistent Betting Gains.”
  • “Stop Leaving Money on the Table. Switch to Arb Amigo for Arbitrage Wins.”
  • “Arb Amigo: Your Ticket to Easy Profits in the World of Arbitrage Betting.”

Reporting Explained 📊

The Affiliate Portal includes reporting statics for Sales activity and Ad Performance. Monitor your results regularly and optimize based on performance for best results.

A single sale can mean hundreds of dollars over the lifetime of the user account, so we’ve made it easy to track every sale. How do we recognize your prospects? They arrive at our conversion-optimized website from a link that contains your Affiliate URL. So, make sure all of your links have your affiliate tracking parameter.

Referred Accounts.

This key affiliate metric is one that you should follow regularly. Affiliate marketing is no different to any other business in a sense that it cannot live off existing customers only.

Even when you have loyal customers their lifetime value is limited, so you should implement strategies that attract new referrals on a regular basis. That way even churned accounts won’t do any harm to your earnings because there are new accounts to compensate it.

If you have closely monitored list of subscribers to whom you recommend Arb Amigo  there is a way to check if they already purchased one of the paid or free Arb Amigo plans you referred to them.

Affiliate Link Campaigns.

This part of your affiliate statistics shows information that will enable you to identify which links are converting best and which links need to be replaced.

You will want to monitor not just free trials and sales because these metrics are the derivative of another important metric that gets sometimes overlooked by affiliates. Thanks to the visual graph you can catch such things faster and see, like on this example below, that some links on your site may be broken or you lost part of your traffic because hits stopped getting recorded and the line is flat.

The fastest route to high commissions is to identify which campaigns are driving sales, so you can focus your attention and resources to maximize your commission. Once you have a winning formula, it’s time to invest in bringing in more traffic.

This part of your affiliate statistics shows information that will enable you to identify which links are converting best and which links need to be replaced.

Earnings and Payouts 💸

You can see your payout summary on the performance module of the dashboard. Below the dashboard is a detailed list of referrals that contributed to your monthly commission.

Pending earnings is what has been accumulated on your account since the last payout you received. These sales are due for payment after commissions are locked at the end of the Billing Period which ends two weeks from the end of the Earning Period.

Th e minimum payout threshold is £50 so you if your commission value is less than that it will be kept on your account until you reach the above mentioned minimum.

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