Get paid every time you refer your Amigos! 💸
Everytime someone you refer to ArbAmigo signups up for a Pro account, you get 30% commission every month as long as they remain on the Pro paid plan. It is very easy to promote Arb Amigo because anyone who bets or trades the sport market, instantly understand the power of a tool like Arb Amigo and how it can help them make smarter bets and make money.
Introducing Arb Amigo.
Arb Amigo™ helps thousands of smart sport bettors and traders find profitable surebets & arbitrage opportunities that guaranties daily profits.
Arb Amigo (shortened “Your Arbitrage Friend”) is your new sports betting buddy that makes you risk-free profits on a daily basis. We scan through millions of odds per minute and 100s of bookies to find you “surebets” and arbitrage betting opportunities in which regardless of the outcome, you win.
Here's how it works 💸
Create affiliate account.
Creating your affiliate account takes less than 5mins. We’ve made the process easy, fast and straightforward.
Once you fill in your basic details, your account will be created and you will be able to assigned with an affiliate link.
Your affiliate dashboard has everything you need from guides on how to get high conversions to beautifully designed promotional materials.
Your account will be created within seconds and ready for you to start promoting.

Create your affiliate link.
Once you’ve successfully created your account, you will be assigned a unique affiliate link. (you can choose to customise it to your pleasing)
This unique link is what you need to share when you promote Arb Amigo.
Everytime someone clicks on your unique link, you will start seeing the report in your dashboard. If they convert to Pro, you will be able to see the conversion in your dashboard.
Use the link in emails, social media posts or anyway you see fit.
Get paid, every month!
Every time someone you recommend to Arb Amigo signs up for a paid account, you will earn a 30% commission.
But it doesn’t stop there.
We don’t want to pay you just once, we will pay you 30% for every month they renew their subscription.
This means that you can easily start making recurring income on the side by introducing Arb Amigo to your amigos.
What’s stopping you?

Our Amigos Love Us 💚 ⭐
From sports gambling to investing.
Created by sports bettors for sport bettors. Arb Amigo is packed with everything you need to make predictable risk-free profits from sports betting without gambling.
Arb Amigo is your new bestfriend (amigo) that does all the heavy lifitng for you on and runs on a 24/7 basis so that you can Bet. Win. Repeat.
Used by smart sports bettor who use the power of data to make informed decisions that does not involve gambling but rather steady risk-free profits.

PreMatch SureBets
With our cutting-edge PreMatch Arbitrage feature, we comb through millions of odds around the clock, leaving no stone unturned to bring you the most profitable arbitrage betting opportunities.

InPlay SureBets
Stay one step ahead of the game with Arb Amigo's InPlay SureBets, as our platform continually scans for live (inplay) arbitrage opportunities that offer higher percentages.

Real-Time Updates
Arb Amigo's commitment to real-time updates means that our platform refreshes odds and data from bookmakers every second, giving you the confidence to make timely and profitable arbitrage bets.

100+ Bookmakers
Uncover hidden arbitrage opportunities with Arb Amigo's advanced scanning system across 100+ bookmakers, empowering you to make informed decisions and extract maximum value from the market.

Multiple Sports Arbs
Arb Amigo scans multiple sports to find you arbs and surebets 24/7. So, you can make profits from football, tennis, baseball, basketball and beyond without having any knowledge of the sport.

200+ Betting Markets
Every second, Arb Amigo scans 100s of betting markets and millions of odds to extract maximum value from the market and find arbs and surebets opportunities so that you can make daily profits.

Bet Tracker
Our very intuitive and user-friendly dashboard allows you to keep an eye on all your bets, track your results and see profits made on a day by day, week by week and month by month basis.

Predictable Profit
With tradtional betting & gambling, you mostly rely on chance or luck, with arbitrage betting through Arb Amigo, you have a predictable and consistent flow of risk-free profits.

Pays for Itself
Arb Amigo is a valuable asset that pays for itself over and over again. With the arbitrage opportunities you will have access to, you will be able to start making risk-free profits from day one.
4 Ways to Promote Arb Amigo. 🧠
Arb Amigo™ helps thousands of smart sport bettors and traders find profitable surebets & arbitrage opportunities that guaranties daily profits.
Arb Amigo (shortened “Your Arbitrage Friend”) is your new sports betting buddy that makes you risk-free profits on a daily basis. We scan through millions of odds per minute and 100s of bookies to find you “surebets” and arbitrage betting opportunities in which regardless of the outcome, you win.
[Share] your links.
Everytime someone you recommend to Arb Amigo signs up for a paid account, you will earn a 30% commission (every month)
So, share your affiliate link on social media platforms like facebook, instagram, twitter, tiktok, snapchat etc.
[Create] a video tutorial.
People love videos and platforms like Youtube can be a treasure throve for you to create and upload videos that walks people through how Arb Amigo works.
Hint: Show them around the platform, pick a part of the website and explain how it works e.g “How to Place Risk-Free Bets”
[Add] link to blog.
Add your custom Arb Amigo referral link to your blogs, websites and YouTube descriptions so it’s easy to click.
Create a blogpost, explain the features of Arb Amigo and show examples of successful bets. Anywhere your links can be clicked on, be sure to add your links there.
[Send] an email.
If you have an email list of people who are into sport, football, football betting / trading or into side income. Arb Amigo is the right tool to introduce to them.
They will love you for it.
Send our an email marketing blast, let them know how Arb Amigo is helping thousands of people make side income daily.
Promotional Materials.
We have invested in designing and creating amazing promotional materials that you can use to promote Arb Amigo to your audience and amigos. Here are just some examples.
PS: To see all the promotional materials which includes Videos, Texts an Videos, please login into your affiliate dashboard and navigate to the “Promotional Materials” tab.
#1 Tool For Daily Risk-Free Arbitrage Betting Profits 🤑
Arb Amigo™ helps thousands of smart sport bettors and traders find profitable surebets & arbitrage opportunities that guarantees daily profits.